Thursday, June 26, 2008

CBAIC USAID - Veterinarian

Community Based Avian Influenza Control (CBAIC-USAID) Vacancy - VETERINARIAN

Indonesia has the unfortunate distinction in the world as the country hardest hit by H5N1 avian influenza (AI). As of 22 February, the country had amassed 105 fatalities in 129 confirmed human cases of H5N1 infection (World Health Organization) . The national case fatality rate is a stunning 81 percent, while the global average not including Indonesia is approximately 53 percent. Compounding factors abound in Indonesia. Densely populated communities rely on backyard poultry farming for their income; sanitation is poor; there is a long annual rainy season that ensures prolonged wet conditions in which the AI virus easily propagates; and the expansive archipelago provides countless places for the virulent H5N1 strain of AI to hide and evolve. The possibility of the virus mutating into a strain that could pass easily between humans, creating pandemic avian influenza with potential to kill millions, is terrifying.

The Community-Based Avian Influenza Control Project (CBAIC), launched in July 2006, is part of the United States Agency for International Development/ Indonesia strategy for reducing the risk of pandemic flu. Overarching goals include prevention of pandemic flu from the H5N1 strain of avian influenza and establishment of Government of Indonesia capacity for pandemic response; and reduced occurrence of AI
transmission in poultry and humans. Specifically, CBAIC is part of three USAID strategic objectives: Strengthen Government of Indonesia planning, preparedness, and coordination among government sectors and levels and donor agencies; increase effectiveness of H5N1 prevention and control in poultry; and decrease high-risk behavior associated with transmission of H5N1 among poultry and from poultry to humans.

Working to meet these USAID objectives, the CBAIC team is led by Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communications Programs, Winrock International, Training Resources Group, and local partners.CBAIC focuses on three, interrelated elements. It works to strengthen national, provincial, and district avian influenza planning and pandemic preparedness in coordination with the government of Indonesia (Component A). The project manages and coordinates village and community-level training activities for disease surveillance and response (Component B). And it works to affect behavior change to improve
control and prevention of avian influenza in Indonesia (Component C).

VETERINARIAN (Jakarta Based with frequent Travel to Provinces)

The USAID Community Based Avian Influenza Control Program invites applications for employment from veterinarians with a background in poultry health and viral epidemiology. Experience in community mobilization would be a further advantage. Please send an application letter together with your curriculum vitae to: drhcbaic@gmail. com by June 25, 2008.

Arie Parikesit
CBAIC Program Development Officer

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