Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Canadian Red Cross - Shelter office Assistant

The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) is implementing a major community-based reconstruction and rehabilitation program with the primary focus on shelter construction project in Aceh Besar, Lamno, Calang and Nias for beneficiaries affected by Tsunami of December 26, 2004 and earthquake of March 28, 2007. We are also implementing Livelihood, Environmental Health and Disaster Preparedness Management programs to help families and communities to improve their live quality. We are looking for qualified and committed candidate to fill the following position on a fixed term contract basis.

Shelter Office Assistant Banda Aceh (Ref. Code SOA-BA)

Purpose of the Post:
Manage existing documents and prepare archive soft and hard copy for project completion and handover

Main Responsibilities:
· Document scanning and indexing
· Liaison with IT developer for document integration
· Hard copy archiving

Competencies and Skills Required for the Post:
· Diploma degree.
· Good communication skills (oral and written) in English and Bahasa Indonesia
· Self sufficient in computer: MS Windows and MS Office
· Preferably has one year of admin position

General Duties:
- Apply the security rules at all times
- Respects and observes the staff regulations of the CRC in Indonesia
- Respects and observes the code of conduct of the CRC in Indonesia
- Follow the Office Manual Procedure
- The employee may be asked to perform duties and task not covered in this job description as well as to provide support to other departments when necessary

Applications should be sent to recruitment. id@redcross. ca quoting the Ref code as the subject of the e-mail and indicating the Job title on the covering letter and the attachment should not exceed 200 Kb. Only candidate who meets the Essential Qualifications will be contacted. Applications must be received by Friday, July 11, 2008.

Canadian Red Cross gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender, religion, or political affiliations.

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